4 Benefits of Seal Coating Your Business Parking Lot In El Paso
As a business owner, there will come a time when you will have to consider seal coating for your parking lot. Seal coating, in its own ways, maintains your parking lot and can prevent damage. As busy as you may be, you should take the time to prioritize your parking lot. Doing so means you […]
Repave Or Reseal For The New Year?
As this year comes to an end, and you start looking forward to a new year filled with new plans, how’s your asphalt and pavement looking? In our last blog, we talked about how holiday traffic can really affect the ground. Now that the smoke has cleared and things begin to settle in a bit […]
Holiday Traffic And Your Pavement
The holiday season turns into a crazy mess for everyone, no matter what industry you’re involved with. We’re all out and about more than ever this time of year, and it’s hard to find some downtime between everything. Rushing from store to store can take a toll on all of us. Aside from the long […]
The Process of Asphalt Paving
When looking for a business location, one of the key aspects is finding the right spot for your parking lot. Without a successful and smooth transition into your business, you might as well stop while you’re ahead. If you plan on having services that require anyone to pull up and enter your business, having the […]
How Puddles Can Destroy Your Parking Lot
From April rain to July monsoons and beyond, our Southwest gets hit with sudden showers followed by dry heat. As refreshing as it may feel for us, our parking lots don’t always feel the same. Rain and puddles can do several things to your lot, along with typical wear and tear from use, it’s meant […]
Is My Small Business Parking Lot Under ADA Compliance?
When looking to restripe your parking lot, there’s a lot to consider and make sure that your bases are covered for ADA compliance. You must provide accessible parking spaces as required from the ADA Standards for Accessible Design. If you’re a business or a privately owned facility that offers any goods or services to the […]
Opening Soon? Time to Beautify Your Parking Lot
Although we’re deep in the throes of summer, more places of business across the nation are starting to open up. Whether your business has been open at limited capacity since the lockdown was put in place or you’re just now planning on opening back up, it’s a perfect time to beautify your parking lot, and […]
Why Now Is A Perfect Time For Sealcoating
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a struggle for millions of Americans, and for understandable reasons. Cash flows have slowed or stopped completely in many sectors of the economy, and with that has come hardships. Business owners are being hit particularly hard by the way the pandemic is shaping up, but there is a silver […]
Why Spring Is A Great Time To Invest In Your Pavement

Asphalt and pavement are the backbones of ground transport, making all kinds of travel possible. It is crucial but easily forgotten, like a well-made roof or even the air we breathe every day. If everything is working properly, you should forget about it. Even the best pavement doesn’t last forever, though, and owners have to […]
Climate Change: How It Will Affect The World’s Pavement

The world is a system, and that system runs on the movement of goods, services, ideas, cultures, and people. Like the sea and the air, our roads and highways are veins of life for 21st-century commerce. The climate crisis, however, is proving itself to be one of this century’s most foreboding tribulations. As the climate […]