Tips For Maintaining Your Pavement In The Summer

Summertime in the Sun City is right around the corner, and that means that our pavement will be exposed to the scorching heat of this season. With 100+ degree weather on the horizon, we discuss some of the best ways to protect your pavement in this blog! Why Does Summer Threaten Your Pavement? Pavement, like […]
The Benefits of Parking Lot Striping in El Paso

As more and more people are finally getting vaccinated, that elusive sense of “normalcy” is slowly rearing its head after more than a year. Perhaps your location has already begun to show signs of life, maybe you’ve had a steady stream of customers for the past few months. No matter what the case may be, […]
Spring & Your Pavement: Maintenance Tips 2021
Spring is here in El Paso, and that brings with it unique challenges for pavement. As more people get vaccinated for Covid-19, traffic volume will begin to look more like normal, which means more work for your pavement. In our March blog, we discuss maintenance tips for your pavement this spring. Fill and Seal Cracks […]
Opening Soon? Time to Beautify Your Parking Lot
Although we’re deep in the throes of summer, more places of business across the nation are starting to open up. Whether your business has been open at limited capacity since the lockdown was put in place or you’re just now planning on opening back up, it’s a perfect time to beautify your parking lot, and […]
Why Now Is A Perfect Time For Sealcoating
The COVID-19 pandemic has been a struggle for millions of Americans, and for understandable reasons. Cash flows have slowed or stopped completely in many sectors of the economy, and with that has come hardships. Business owners are being hit particularly hard by the way the pandemic is shaping up, but there is a silver […]
Surprising Effects of COVID19 On Your Pavement
As the COVID19 pandemic continues to has far-reaching effects on the global economy and daily life, we’re discovering new ways that the virus has changed life. One way is by altering the paving industry. Paving businesses and the customers we serve are having to make changes, while the pavement already on the ground is being […]
Why Spring Is A Great Time To Invest In Your Pavement
Asphalt and pavement are the backbones of ground transport, making all kinds of travel possible. It is crucial but easily forgotten, like a well-made roof or even the air we breathe every day. If everything is working properly, you should forget about it. Even the best pavement doesn’t last forever, though, and owners have to […]
Climate Change: How It Will Affect The World’s Pavement
The world is a system, and that system runs on the movement of goods, services, ideas, cultures, and people. Like the sea and the air, our roads and highways are veins of life for 21st-century commerce. The climate crisis, however, is proving itself to be one of this century’s most foreboding tribulations. As the climate […]
A Glimpse Into The Future Of Pavement
Asphalt and pavement make up the backbone of our transportation and our infrastructure. Unless you live in a very rural place, you’re likely surrounded by miles and miles of the stuff. Since we pay so little attention to the pavement beneath our feet, it’s easy to ignore the changes and future tech that aims to […]
How The Desert Climate Harms Your Asphalt
Anyone who has lived in El Paso for a while knows how wide the temperature spectrum is throughout the year. The summer can be boiling, with back to back days (or weeks!) of 100°F heat, with a winter regularly dipping below freezing at its coldest. Needless to say, it’s not exactly the most comfortable. But […]