Potholes 101: Understanding the Causes and Solutions

A pothole in asphalt in El Paso.

Potholes are one of the most common and annoying nuisances that can afflict concrete and pavement. Unfortunately, potholes are often unavoidable in El Paso, thanks to the heat, moisture, and heavy traffic. Whether you’re worried about potholes on the highway, in your driveway, or in a parking lot, the causes and solutions are often the same. 

If you require a paving contractor for your asphalt, Rick’s Paving and Sealing is here to help. Contact us online or call (915) 204-4378 to learn more about our services.

What Causes Potholes? 

In northern climates, potholes often appear during spring following the last frost of the season. The act of freezing and unthawing shifts the ground and causes concrete to split apart slightly. The more often it happens, the worse the pothole will become and the more potholes you will have. 

In southern climates, the heat and humidity can cause very similar issues to the freezing and thawing of northern areas. The heat of the sun, along with its UV radiation, is enough to weaken the surface and bottom layers of asphalt. Over time, it will become weak enough that the asphalt starts to crack and corrode until a pothole forms. 

Throw in the addition of humidity, rain, and constant pressure from driving vehicles, and potholes are a huge problem in El Paso.  

Solutions For Potholes 

Luckily, there are several ways to take care of potholes and to make your asphalt as good as new. 

Form a Temporary Patch 

If you want to make a semi-permanent repair to your pothole, you can form a temporary patch using compressed asphalt. To do this, the pothole is filled with asphalt and compressed. This will make the pothole manageable and should be performed by a paving contractor

Fill the Pothole With Whatever is Close By 

If you are unable to hire a paving contractor, you can use other materials to fill your potholes, such as dirt, gravel, and other debris. This isn’t a long-term solution for potholes, but it will hold temporarily until you make a permanent repair. 

Hire a Paving Contractor

While the first two DIY methods might get you by in the short term, the best long-term solution for potholes is to hire a paving contractor. A paving contractor, like the pros at Rick’s Paving, has permanent and foolproof solutions for potholes of any type or size. We work with the best tools and products in the industry and will have your pavement as good as new in no time. Call (915) 204-4378 today.