Maintaining Your Commercial Pavement: Tips for Longevity

Cracked pavement with a yellow line through it in El Paso.

The appearance and functionality of your commercial property play a crucial role in attracting customers and maintaining a positive reputation for your business. Neglecting the condition of your pavement can lead to costly repairs and even safety hazards to vehicles and pedestrians alike.

To keep your pavement in tip-top shape, our commercial paving contractors at Rick’s Paving are here to provide asphalt installation, repairs, and replacements to local El Paso businesses. Contact us online or call (915) 204-4378 to learn more.

Schedule Regular Maintenance

Whether or not your pavement is free of cracks and potholes, preventive maintenance is key to avoiding costly repairs. While maintenance largely depends on the traffic and climate of your business, commercial paving contractors recommend scheduling maintenance once every three years. However, to protect the longevity of your pavement, a 3-year alternating cycle is recommended. This involves resealing during the first year, crack sealing during the second, and addressing any repairs during the third.

Address Damage Immediately

Small cracks and potholes may seem inconsequential, but they can quickly become major problems if ignored. Take raveling, for example. When a pavement’s thickness decreases and loose gravel abrades the surface, it can create an opening for water to seep through, leading to further damage from freeze-thaw cycles and erosion. Raveling can lead to uneven surfaces, creating an unsightly view and safety hazards for pedestrians. A commercial paving contractor can assess the damage and provide appropriate solutions to prevent the need for more extensive repairs later on.

Apply Sealcoat Layers

One of the most effective ways to protect your pavement is by applying sealcoat layers. Sealcoating acts as a barrier, shielding asphalt from UV rays, water, and chemicals or oils that can cause it to deteriorate over time. On average, sealcoating can provide 3 to 5 years of protection before needing to be reapplied.

Keep Your Pavement Free of Debris

Just like you would keep the interior of your commercial property clean, you should also maintain its exterior appearance. Regularly cleaning your pavement from leaves, dirt, and trash can prevent drainage issues that could otherwise lead to pavement damage. Cleaning can involve power brooms, blowers, and power washers, all of which local commercial paving contractors in El Paso have the expertise and resources to use.

El Paso’s Locally Trusted Paving Company

From brand-new parking lots to repairs and replacements of existing asphalt, our highly-trained contractors at Rick’s Paving can handle your commercial property. Contact us online or call (915) 204-4378 to schedule an appointment today!